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Malaysian Congress of Radiology

Menara Kembar Bank Raykat (MKBR), Kuala Lumpur

26th - 28th July 2024

Welcome Message from President of CoR and MyRAD

Welcome to the Malaysian Congress of Radiology 2024!

This year, we’re putting the spotlight on the theme “Beyond the Report: Interplay of Language and Radiology.” We’re excited to explore into the world of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and its potential to shake up how we do things in radiology.

NLP is a game-changer. It has the power to take those standardized reports we’re used to and turn them into data that machines can understand. But it’s not just about making things machine-readable; NLP can actually interpret free text using context clues. This means it adds a whole new layer to how we practice radiology, moving us beyond the confines of traditional reporting methods. 

Join us for an eye-opening exploration of NLP’s applications in radiology. We’ll walk you through how this technology is revolutionizing our field, making tasks more efficient and precise. From improving diagnostic accuracy to smoothing out our day-to-day workflows, NLP is proving to be an invaluable tool. 

Join us for an insightful overview and some hands-on experience with NLP. Let’s discover together how this technology is changing the game in radiology and why it’s so relevant to our everyday clinical practices. Welcome to a congress that’s all about embracing innovation and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in our field! 

Professor Dr Norlisah Mohd Ramli


College of Radiology, Academy of Medicine of Malaysia 2022-2025 



Malaysian Society of Radiologists 2023-2025

College of Radiology, Academy of Medicine of Malaysia Council 2022 – 2025
PresidentProf Dr Norlisah Mohd Ramli
Immediate Past PresidentDr Amir Fuad Hussain
Vice President - RadiodiagnosisDr Naveen Rajadurai
Vice President - Nuclear MedicineProf Dr Subapriya Suppiah
Vice President - OncologyDr Mastura Md Yusof
Honorary SecretaryDr Shantini A Arasaratnam
Honorary TreasurerDr Sivakumaran Karupayah
Elected Council Member
Dr Umarani Ranjini Sivarajan
Assoc Prof Dr Thajunnisa Hassan Mohd
Prof Dr Kartini Rahmat
Dr Eric Chung

Malaysian Society of Radiologists (MyRAD) Council Members 2023 – 2025
PresidentProf Dr Norlisah Mohd Ramli
Vice-PresidentDr Naveen Rajadurai
Honorary SecretaryDr Shantini A. Arasaratnam
Honorary TreasurerDr Sivakumaran Karupayah
Council MemberAssoc Prof Dr Thajunnisa Hassan Mohd
Council MemberProf Dr Kartini Rahmat
Council MemberDr Amir Fuad Hussain
Council MemberDr Umarani Sivarajan
Council MemberDr Eric Chung
Council MemberAssoc Prof Dr Farhana Fadzli
Council MemberDr Vijayalakshmi Krishnapillai
Council MemberDr Ng Seng Man
Council MemberDato’ Dr Humairah Abdul Samad